Why Party? Vol. 4
Doors 14:00
Invitation from YONI Curate, hailing from Taipei and residing in Berlin. Leveraging the Cancer season‘s abundant energy, she aims to take us on a journey, starting from the warm Kuroshio current originating at the equator. As we travel northward, she transforms the profound depths experienced in Taiwanese parties into melodies that ride the rhythms of the waves, crashing onto the sandy beaches of a Berlin summer afternoon.
We come together for a beach party, enveloped by the sensitive aquatic energy of Cancer. Yoni leads us to dive slowly into the depths of broken beats, echoes, and atmospheric vibes. Let’s follow YONI‘s lead, exploring freely, and experiencing the birth of change: an incessant emergence of endless layers. (By Tuanjie leak Park)
Why Party? 邀請來自台北久居柏林的YONI Curate 這次的活動,藉助充滿巨蟹能量的月份,她想將從赤道出發溫暖的黑潮洋流的帶領下,一路北上把台灣派對裡體驗到深層的溫度,化為旋律,隨著浪濤變換著節奏,打上柏林夏日午後的沙灘,我們都在白趴一場,被巨蟹感性的水世界能量緊緊的包覆著。 YONI帶領我們緩慢潛入碎拍、迴響和氛圍的深水中。讓我們跟隨YONI隨心地向前溯游,感受變化的滋生:層出疊見,連綿不窮。by團結湖公園。
♪───O*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*O────♪
Curator > Yoni @wrong_whole__ Art Works > @sic_lee Visual > @cwl_photo Poetry > @lovebettyapple @wrong_whole__